How to Declutter When You’re Overwhelmed

Posted on March 6, 2015. Filed under: Atlanta House Cleaning, Clearing Clutter | Tags: , |

It is very difficult to declutter when you’re overwhelmed. You wonder where to start, how to handle the excess stuff, whether you want to keep something “just in case.”

Chaotic Clutter - Atlanta House Cleaning Blog

Fortunately, there’s help.  In this zen habits article, Leo Babauta explains how decluttering your home starts with just 10 minutes a day.

Once you’ve set aside 10 minutes a day to declutter, here are the 5 steps you need to take.

  1. Create space in your schedule – decide when you’ll spend 10 minutes decluttering.
  2. Pick a spot. It can be the entryway, junk drawer, or closet floor. Where you start doesn’t matter, picking one spot does.
  3. Pile it up. Clear the space and make a pile of everything in it.
  4. Decide on one thing at a time. Make quick decisions and keep moving.
  5. Create a home for each item you decide to keep.

For the entire article on the zen habits blog, click here.

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How do you declutter? Do you declutter annually, or just prevent “stuff” from piling up?


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About the author:

Raina Raflo owns Sponge & Sparkle, Atlanta’s oldest and most reputable independent maid and house cleaning service. (404) 633-9652.

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